Monday, October 15, 2012

Grade 6: Bud, Not Buddy Extension Activities

Please use the Website Evaluation Checklist if you use a different website than one of the sites listed below.

Photo Essay
Select 4 photographs that came from the 1930s.  Choose pieces that you think paint an accurate portrait of the time period. Describe the photograph, research the topic associated with the photograph and defend your choice to include each photograph in your photo essay. Possible topics to explore: Dust Bowl, Riding the Rails, Migrant Workers, The New Deal, Pullman Porters. 

Persuasive Speech
Write a persuasive speech in favor of civil rights from the perspective of a Pullman Porter.  Include details about the job and reasons why you believe you should have equity. 

Political Cartoon
Choose a political cartoon to examine and explain.  Create your own political cartoon that carries the same message.

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