Tuesday, October 23, 2012

5-6 Fallingwater Field Trip

What a perfect day for a Fallingwater field trip!   We took the trip to help enhance the reading of Wright 3, by Blue Balliet.  One of the main characters in the mystery novel is Frank Lloyd Wright's Robie House. 5th and 6th grade students participating in this year's Lit Fest enjoyed touring Fallingwater and learning more about the architect and his designs.
Group photo at the visitor center

Fallingwater Fall 2012

Group 2 at the scenic overlook
Nick, Wes, Jerry, Kaleigh, Aiden and Megan

Hannah, Jenna, Michael, Zach, Himanshu and Atharv
Reading Wright 3
Gabby, Angela and Ashton

Ashton, Michael, Hannah, Zach and Gabby

Caitlin, Lily, Megan and Jenna

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