Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Grades 2 & 3 Math Bowl

2nd and 3rd graders working hard on problem solving!
Zach Hardway (Wylandville), Anna Shepard (Borland Manor) and Dylan Miller (South Central) scored the highest points in the problem solving and 24 rounds.

Grade 4 Math Bowl

4th Grade SCOPE students participated in a math competition that tested their creative problem-solving skills as well as mastery of basic operations. The first part of the tournament was independent problem solving. Students had 4 minutes per-question to solve the problem and record their answer. Borland Manor's Brady Rotello and Wylandville's Nathan Hartmann tied for first place!

Logan wore his lucky hat.

Students answered questions on their answer sheets. 6th grade proctors monitored student performance and collected answer sheets.

4th Grade Winners: Anshu Nunemunthala (South Central), Abby Thornburry (South Central), Caroline McCaffrey (Hills) , Nathan Hartmann (Wylandville) and Brady Rotello(Borland Manor). Also pictured are the 6th grade proctors: Jerry Varghese, Matt Sarver, and Matthew Liberatore.

The second part of the competition involved playing the math game 24.  Points were awarded for the fastest student to correctly make 24 with the given digits.Anshu Nunemunthala, Abby Thornburry, Caroline McCaffrey and Nathan Hartmann were made it to the final round. Nathan Hartmann was our 24 champion!

Young Writers Institute

The Young Writers Institute is for students, grades 4-8 and grades 9-12, who like to write and want to develop their talent.
Location: The Pittsburgh Cultural Trust,  805 Liberty Avenue (Downtown)
Dates: Saturdays, January 26 – March 2, 2013 
Times: Grades 4-8, 10:00AM -1:00PM; Grades 9-12, 12:00PM-3:00PM
REGISTER for the 2013 Winter Young Writers Institute at the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust

Monday, November 19, 2012

CalcuSolve 2012

Congratulations to the NSIS 5th and 6th grade CalcuSolve teams.  A total of 24 school districts participated in the challenging math competition.  I was proud of our school's representatives. I will post this year's questions once they are released.
Duquesne CalcuSolve

Kyle, Atharv, Himanshu and Rachel working on a team problem.

Matthew, Justin, Jerry and Matt working on a team problem.

Matthew, Jerry, Matt, Himanshu, Justin, Atharv, Kyle and Rachel

Friday, November 9, 2012

W&J Field Trip Part 2

Our second trip to Washington and Jefferson College was another success!  Students glazed the masks they created during our first visit.  We hope to get the finished projects by next week. Professor Maloney was thrilled with this group's creativity, inquisitiveness and good behavior.  I am quite proud of our students!
Logan and Zach

Abby and Sarah


Nathan, Logan, Ryan and Zach

Adam and Brady

Eric and Siena

Nathan, Arya, Ryan, Sarah and Liz

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

5-6 Fallingwater Field Trip

What a perfect day for a Fallingwater field trip!   We took the trip to help enhance the reading of Wright 3, by Blue Balliet.  One of the main characters in the mystery novel is Frank Lloyd Wright's Robie House. 5th and 6th grade students participating in this year's Lit Fest enjoyed touring Fallingwater and learning more about the architect and his designs.
Group photo at the visitor center

Fallingwater Fall 2012

Group 2 at the scenic overlook
Nick, Wes, Jerry, Kaleigh, Aiden and Megan

Hannah, Jenna, Michael, Zach, Himanshu and Atharv
Reading Wright 3
Gabby, Angela and Ashton

Ashton, Michael, Hannah, Zach and Gabby

Caitlin, Lily, Megan and Jenna

Friday, October 19, 2012

4th Grade Arts Field Trip to W&J

4th grade SCOPE students had the opportunity to attend a field trip to W&J College to learn about mask making.  Professor Pat Maloney studied in Africa and shared some of her experience with us. Students loved the hands-on experience and can't wait for the return trip to paint the masks! A special thank you goes out to Mrs.Freeze for sharing her Bendedum Master Teacher Grant with us and making this trip possible. We'd also like to thank Professor Maloney, Dr. Carpenter and Dr. Musser for organizing the wonderful experience.
4th grade SCOPE students at Washington and Jefferson's Olin Fine Arts Building
Abby, Anshu and Arya

Siena, Liz, Adam and Brady


Logan and Zach

Nathan and Ryan

Guess who?